主要经历:2003年俄罗斯喀山市突厥高中毕业,2008年在喀山国立大学东方学系获得专家学位,2010年毕业于中山大学历史系,获得硕士学位,以中国近现代史为专业。2015年毕业于中山大学历史系,获得博士学位,论文题目为《苏中友好协会与中苏关系》。同年9月,以华东师范大学历史系博士后的名义进站, 出站时间为 2017年7月。2017年1月至3月,在美国威尔逊中心当访问学者。 2020年1月至2022年1月,在西蒙菲莎大学历史学系当访问学者。
Post-Soviet settlement of the Sino-Soviet border: a failed attempt at a three-level game, 1991–2012 【苏联解体后的中苏边界问题:1991-2012 年三级博弈的失败尝试】, Central Asian Survey, Vol.42, Issue 2, pp.359-382.
After the fall of the USSR, the newly established republics had to finish negotiating the bilateral border issue with China. These states chose to have the talks as a joint delegation of post-Soviet states. They also each experienced pressure from domestic constituencies. Viewing the entire negotiation process as a three-level game, the paper argues that in all four post-Soviet states the national governments believed the cost of ‘no agreement’ with China on the border issue to be so high that they chose to
risk dealing with complex issues at home over passing up the opportunity to settle the border with their strongest neighbour. They did so with little regard for domestic opposition or the restrictions posed by the previous commitments on the supranational level.
Constructing a “border” with China: Russia’s approach
构建与中国的“边界”:俄罗斯的做法, Asian Perspective, Vol.47, Issue 3, pp.371-392
The Russian and Soviet governments believed the border to be a social and political construct. They often described and considered it as a foreign policy issue and a point of military vulnerability. In the course of 70 years of Sino-Russian relations since 1949, the border turned from a porous imperial fringe to a line of defense, a zone of economic growth, and a zone of economic anxiety. Throughout this evolution process, the Russian central government failed to grant agency to the local authorities and indigenous communities. The article argues that the current Russian federal government entrusts the local government with two conflicting goals in the borderlands: building strong cross-border ties and maintaining a “strong vertical of power”, with top-down management and absolute supremacy of national security matters.
俄罗斯和苏联政府以边界为一种社会和政治结构。他们经常将其描述和视为外交政策问题和军事弱点。1949年以来中俄关系70年的历程中,边界从漏洞百出的帝国边缘变成了防线、经济增长区和经济焦虑区。在整个演变过程中,俄罗斯中央政府未能向地方当局和土著社区授予代理权。文章认为,俄罗斯现任联邦政府在边境地区赋予地方政府两个相互冲突的目标:一、建立强大的跨境联系; 二、保持 "强大的垂直权力体系"、 自上而下的管理和国家安全事务为绝对优先地位。